Sunday, August 22, 2010

week 5-new task for us

             Time moves very fast and this was my fifth class for PBEY3102. My class started at 9.30a.m until 12.30p.m due to the sudden schedule change. After finishing a few things including submitting our first tutorial, our lecturer Pn.Foziah demonstrated the effectiveness of using Moyea.It is proven that we can download videos from the YouTube very fast and I have tried it by myself.I managed to download a few videos just in a short time.
            After that, all of us need to find our own pair for the next task. Each pair should consist of one boy and one girl because that was the requirement asked by our lecturer. The task was related with the second assignment which is collecting teaching aids. All the pairs need to search for teaching aids such as videos, songs, flash cards, power point presentation, games and many more. Then all the teaching aids need to be arranged for suitable stages in a lesson. Next, Pn.Foziah divided the topic for each pair. So we have to collect the teaching aids based on our topic or unit. Therefore Arif and I were assigned for Unit 6, year 1 learning about, year 2 story time and year 3 fun times. We also need to follow the template for submitting the task in hard copy (shown in the table below) and burn all the teaching aids in a CD.The task should be submitted before 4pm on 12th August 2010.

Of the lesson

   Kinds of teaching aids

Set Induction
Explain the content of the video
·         Video in soft copy
·         Video in hard copy
·         Here u need to print  screen

Why do u want to use that particular teaching aids for that particular stage of the lesson

                                                                      Fun time
            Then Pn.Foziah gave us time to discuss with our pair regarding the task. My pair and I managed to search for a few teaching aids during the discussion. 

Finally, before the class ended, all of us were divided into six groups and we have to scan the contents of KBSR text books and e-mail them to Pn.Foziah. So we can refer to the contents easily in time of need. All in all, this class has open up my mind better regarding this topic because we were required to complete the task on collecting the resources for learning.

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