Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 8

On this week, Pn Foziah told us to take some tasks that we need to complete during raya break. Thus we need to complete Module 3, lesson plan and teaching aids assignments.

           I.      Module 3- this module is basically about audio editing by using a few software such as Audacity, Sony Vegas,and Music Editor etc. Thank god because this module is not the bulky one. So I think that I am able to complete it within the time limit.
         II.      Lesson plan-in group of 5, we need to prepare 4 lesson plans. So there would be 3 half hour lesson plan and 1 one hour lesson plan.  We chose year two under ,topic animals.

III.      Teaching aids- prepare teaching techno and non-techno teaching aids for year 1- year 6. I will be doing teaching aids for year 4 and searching for videos related to the topic ‘pollution’.

I realized that I need to have a good time management because all the assignments must be submitted after raya break. However I really hope that I can complete as much as I can before going back to my hometown so that I will be able to celebrate raya happily.

 That's all for now. see all of you again after raya break.happy holiday.


  1. Hi Shida, hope we will not face any difficulties in completing the 3 tasks as we already have some basic knowledge on how to prepare teaching aids and lesson plan. Talking about Audacity, it could be much easier compared to other parts in Module 3 since we have explored on it in the technology class.

  2. yup, audacity is the best part.i actually enjoy using audacity seems it is easier and the tools are not that complicated compared to the other software.
