Sunday, August 22, 2010

week 5-new task for us

             Time moves very fast and this was my fifth class for PBEY3102. My class started at 9.30a.m until 12.30p.m due to the sudden schedule change. After finishing a few things including submitting our first tutorial, our lecturer Pn.Foziah demonstrated the effectiveness of using Moyea.It is proven that we can download videos from the YouTube very fast and I have tried it by myself.I managed to download a few videos just in a short time.
            After that, all of us need to find our own pair for the next task. Each pair should consist of one boy and one girl because that was the requirement asked by our lecturer. The task was related with the second assignment which is collecting teaching aids. All the pairs need to search for teaching aids such as videos, songs, flash cards, power point presentation, games and many more. Then all the teaching aids need to be arranged for suitable stages in a lesson. Next, Pn.Foziah divided the topic for each pair. So we have to collect the teaching aids based on our topic or unit. Therefore Arif and I were assigned for Unit 6, year 1 learning about, year 2 story time and year 3 fun times. We also need to follow the template for submitting the task in hard copy (shown in the table below) and burn all the teaching aids in a CD.The task should be submitted before 4pm on 12th August 2010.

Of the lesson

   Kinds of teaching aids

Set Induction
Explain the content of the video
·         Video in soft copy
·         Video in hard copy
·         Here u need to print  screen

Why do u want to use that particular teaching aids for that particular stage of the lesson

                                                                      Fun time
            Then Pn.Foziah gave us time to discuss with our pair regarding the task. My pair and I managed to search for a few teaching aids during the discussion. 

Finally, before the class ended, all of us were divided into six groups and we have to scan the contents of KBSR text books and e-mail them to Pn.Foziah. So we can refer to the contents easily in time of need. All in all, this class has open up my mind better regarding this topic because we were required to complete the task on collecting the resources for learning.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4th entry

Session 1Children are unique=Today the lesson continued with the group presentation and it was started with Flora’s group. They presented about ‘Children’s ability to grasp meaning’. Basically children’s minds are not blank slates and they are born with the innate knowledge inside them. The innate knowledge is known as the Universal Grammar. That is why children know how to speak even before they learn how to read and write. Teachers play an important role in helping children grasp meaning successfully.The use of interesting teaching aids is aimless if the teachers do not possess effective teaching techniques. Teachers can help them grasp meaning by using correct and appropriate non-verbal cues such as suitable facial expressions, body gestures, intonation and good eye-contact .
            Next, Nani’s group proceeded with the other subtopic which is ‘Children’s capacity for play and fun’. Play is not just fun for the children but play enhances learning.  Teachers can encourage them to learn indirectly without removing the play elements :Example: 
Building with blocks-this activity enhances their motor skills as well as integrating mathematics and arts elements. 
Dramatic play-inculcate cooperation, team works, and the children who involves in play are usually more creative and acquire larger vocabulary.
Puzzles-require fine motor skills because they have to place the small pieces correctly.
Cooking play-good for mathematics lesson as they learn the quantity and enhances language learning as the children will learn new vocabularies such as nouns (ingredients) and verbs such as chop, rinse and stir.
My group presented about ‘Children creative use of limited language resources.’  children are very creative in using grammatical forms and concepts. For example they will say ‘don’t unring the phone’ and ‘please switch of the dark’ when they want the adults to turn on the light. Of course their terms are grammatically incorrect. So teachers have to play important role in guiding them to use correct language.
How to enhance correct language use?  -Construct language games actively for example guessing games- allow children to practice, internalize vocabulary and grammatical structures extensively, encourage cooperation and  develop interpersonal skills.
Using songs such as action songs e.g ‘the wheel on the bus’-children learn best through drilling and repeated actions. The last group presented about ‘The role of imagination’. Imagination encourage them to practice real life skills, rich vocabulary and induce critical and creative thinking. This is in line with the new curriculum, KSSR.
Activities to enhance children’s imagination  Role play:  So they will develop verbal skills as well as real life skill because they have to act according to the situation.   Hot seating: they will practice how to ask and answer questions appropriately. Teacher can scaffold them by using model dialogues such as preparing speech bubbles.
 Session 2= prepare for a power point presentation individually. The power point presentation should consists of:The steps on how to download a song(mp3 version) by using a downloader such as 4shared ,  how to search for a song’s lyrics by using Google or other search engine such as Yahoo & how to download videos by using software such as Moyea.On that day, Pn Foziah taught us the steps to download Moyea.It is effective software to download songs and videos for example it can be used to download YouTube videos effectively. That's all for now.See you in the next entry.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 3:Reflection 3

This was my third class for PBEY3102.Pn.Foziah told us to sit in a group and prepare for a presentation about our text book entitled ‘Teaching English in the Primary Classroom’ by Susan Halliwell. Then Pn.Foziah told us to open chapter 1 which is ‘Working with Young Language Learners’. My group was assigned to take the second subtopic entitled Children’s creative use of limited language resources’. So, six of us divided ourselves into 2 small groups after reading that part. Three of us prepared for the power point presentation while the other three browsed for additional information as Pn.Foziah asked us to insert the URL as our referent if we quoting others information. Based on this subtopic, I understand that children are very creative in using grammatical forms and concepts for example a four years old British child said ‘don’t unring’ the phone and ‘switch off the dark’ when he wanted the light put on. 
The first presentation started with Chin’s group. They presented about Children’s capacity for indirect learning.'they emphasized on the definition of indirect learning, the examples of indirect learning and the benefits of it. I realized that teachers should encourage indirect learning for example by using games such as hangman and charade. Indirect learning means that the teacher uses different method such as using games  instead of just using words and text books. Therefore the children will participate more in the lesson and this leads to student-centred learning. Moreover the children will not focus on the language but they will use the language indirectly and acquire will occur. So games will assist learning because it is fun yet meaningful. 

The next presentation was continued with Dhachaini’s group. They presented about The instinct for interaction and talk.’they touched upon the types of interaction such as teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction and student-resources interaction. They also discussed about the example of interaction and the importance of interaction for students. I realized that students should be encouraged to interact and talk because by talking they will practice using the language and at the same time develop their verbal and interpersonal skills. Besides I realized that as a future teacher I should possess good interpersonal skills so that I can build a good relationship with my students. A good relationship between teacher and students is important so that the students will trust the teacher and once they have the trust on their teacher, the students will feel more secure to learn. So  they will feel more comfortable and will not feel shy to share the problems and seek for advice.
The other group including my group will present on the next class. I have learnt a few things from this class. Firstly is the benefits of cooperation among the group’s members. By sharing ideas, we can produce a good output and share our information with the other groups. The presentation will create a good cooperative learning. In addition, I also learned about the importance of videos and images in the power point presentation. By using videos and pictures, the facts or the information can be made clearer and interesting. So next time I will prepare a better power point presentation by using variety materials including appropriate videos, images and of course useful information regarding the presentation’s topic.