Week 9
This is the first class after Hari Raya break. So before continuing with my new entry, I would like to wish my lecturer and my friends ‘selamat hari raya aidilfitri.maaf zahir & batin.’
Even though I was still in raya mood, but life must go on.sleepless night and hard life will start again...So,back to our business, on today’s class all of us received our ‘duit raya’ he3.. It was actually our module 2.Luckily it is not as thick as the first module and I think that I am able to finish it.
Module 2 =photo editing by using Adobe Photoshop CS3, Photoscape, Photobucket and ACDsee and etc. It is quite interesting as I love to edit pictures. So by completing this module, I will be able to upgrade myself and become a better photo editor.
agree with you~~saying sayonara for raya mood is very difficult. i was really upset and tired as there are too many works to be completed. good luck to u too=)